Valerie Castro

What to Do When You Suspect Your Home Has Subsided

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Subsidence occurs when your property sinks in relation to its foundations. It can happen gradually over time or almost instantly due to extreme weather conditions such as flooding or drought. It’s important to take note of any signs that your home may have subsided, as this could cause major structural damage if not dealt with quickly and effectively. Signs That Your Home Has Subsided There are several tell-tale signs that your home could have subsided.…

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Demolition: 4 Steps a Contractor Will Take

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This article provides a step-by-step guide to the steps a demolition contractor will take when demolishing a chimney on an industrial site. Read on to find out more! Preparatory Work Prior to starting demolition work, the site needs to be made safe for members of the public, neighbouring companies and construction workers. This may include fencing off areas near storage tanks or other hazardous objects so that no one enters the site under any circumstances.…

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Do You Restump Your House with Wooden Stumps Annually? Here are 3 Reasons Why You Should

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Stumping is a crucial part of the construction process, especially in flood-prone areas. The stumps come from sturdy materials such as certain types of cylindrical hardwood. However, some homeowners opt to use metal for their residential house stumping. If you decide to use wooden stumps, you will need to replace them regularly since they are prone to damage.  Weak stumps can compromise the structural integrity of the house and lead to thousands of dollars in losses.…

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Why You Should Always Contact A Commercial Absestos Disposal Company Before You Move Into A New Building

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Everyone has heard about the dreadful little fibre known as asbestos, but what you may not know is that asbestos is still well and truly present in thousands and thousands of buildings across Australia. That is because, for quite a long time, asbestos was a primary component in lots of different building materials, not just insulation. If you are going to sign a lease on a building your company is about to move into then you should always make sure a commercial asbestos disposal company tests it for the deadly fibre.…

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Three Obvious Signs of a Building with a Weak Foundation

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The foundation of a building is the part which determines its structural integrity. When it is laid properly, the building stays strong and rarely develops structural problems. On the other hand, when contractors make mistakes in the process of laying the foundation, the structure eventually weakens. There are also cases where buildings whose foundations were initially strong weaken as a result of harsh weather and artificial calamities. The best way to deal with foundation issues is to learn the signs of a weak foundation and get a damage contractor to help with repairs before the building falls apart.…

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Questions to Ask Your Contractor When Seeking Rising Damp Repairs

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Rising damp is one of the most common consequences of poor waterproofing in your home. Moisture that may be present on your floors is slowly sucked up the wall and causes damage over time. If you notice brown stains or damaged skirting or lose plastering on your walls, you may have a rising damp problem. Seeking repairs for rising damp is an important step to take. This is because such damage may interfere with the stability of your walls and make the repair process costlier.…

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Why You Should Hire a Professional Damage Contractor for Concrete Repairs

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If you have a crack in your concrete due to weather damage then you may consider handling the repair yourself. This can be done easily with a concrete repair kit. The problem is, these kits are suited for small concrete repairs that have no other damage connected to them. Before you start to handle concrete repairs yourself, consider the reasons you should call a damage contractor with concrete repair experience instead.…

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Buying a New Home? Be On the Lookout for Foundation Problems

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When buying a new home, you are probably in search of a property with minimal damage so that you do not have to engage in consistent repairs for the duration of your stay. Thus, it is essential to carry out foundation inspections just as you would with inspect other aspects of the home to ensure you are not buying a damaged home. However, it is not uncommon to find some potential buyers unaware of what to be wary of, as they have never been exposed to foundation damage before.…

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Building Demolition: Crucial Materials to Salvage

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If you have decided to demolish your property for whatever reason, you may be ready to get the process over and done with. However, before you put bring down your property, you should take the time to determine whether there are materials that could be salvaged. By retrieving some materials, you can make reconstruction economical as you could recycle the building supplies. On the other hand, you could also sell off these salvaged materials for profit.…

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Down But Not Out: Ways To Recycle Waste Concrete From A Demolition Site

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Any building demotion operation creates a large amount of waste, whether you’re knocking down a compact house or dynamiting a whole apartment block. However, the rubble, scrap materials and other detritus left over after a demolition is not necessarily destined for environmentally damaging landfill sites, as many recycling services are capable of collecting and reusing these materials. Concrete in particular can be recycled for a wide variety of uses, and arranging for the concrete from a demolition site to be recycled can dramatically reduce the environmental impact and carbon footprint of a demolition job.…

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